hahahaha ヾ(>▽<)o ハハハ
There is a problem at home. The reason is a cat.
Yes, meow.
Since winter's always cold, an orange stray cat decided this year that engine of my car is a perfect sofa to keep its butt from freezing. Even if I bang on the front of the car, it won't come out unless I open the car directly and shoo it away. The only problem is that if I start a car without checking it out first, I will have to pay an expensive car repairing fee in addition to having an unwanted feline meat loaf. Therefore, out comes my dog, the ever "efficient" cat landmine detector with 100% precision and accuracy but with some minor "side effects".
My dog loves riding that car. In addition, he hates cats especially when it's riding his favorite car and he isn't. Ever since he witnessed the same cat occupying that place a month ago, he always takes a sniff before leaving the house for a walk. Front and butt of the car just like he does to other dogs and humans.
However, last night was the worst. He yelped away as in pain and scratched away the front of the car frenziedly as if his life depended on it. I wouldn't like a ground up cat, but I also didn't want my car being scratched away to bits by a dog. Therefore, I opened the front, and ta-dah! The fat feline slid out just like he said.
Before I could utter a single word, the dreaded "side effect" began. My dog went crazy. While it was hilarious to watch him trip and fall when he ran off for a cat, he was making an ass of himself by trying to jump over my neighbor's fence even if his feet couldn't reach even half of its height. Since I couldn't convince him to come back into the house, I left him out there, causing a racket even when the cat was long gone. I thought that he needs to cool his stupid head off but left the front door open.
Since he didn't come back after five minutes, I decided that it was enough. I went out, with my mouth open, preparing myself to shout to him to cut it out. Then, taking one look at the situation, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
With a triumphant look on his face, my dog stared back at me, showing his accomplishment of the day. Forgetting totally about what he was doing a few minutes ago, he was amusing himself by being on top of the car's roof, using the front glass as a slide for kids.
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