YAWN (´。)(´o)(´O)(´〇)(´○) (´〇) (´O)(´o)(´。)あくび
Got to work, did a bit and procrastinating before my coworkers invade this room. Planning to eat out with my friend today at a nice Italian restaurant I discovered last week. : )
Will pig out without a regret. Bought Le Cordon Bleu chocolates for Valentine's Day on Sat, not bothered to buy them at the last minute. For the first time in my life, I got sick from trying out all these samples from different companies. I never imagined that a piece of chocolate can be that gross! Arrrgh!
Why? Well, I hate any chocolate (exception is hot chocolate) that's not dark. Therefore, most samples were dreaded cheap milk chocolates in cake, bar, cream, or any possible form that is like a rose (its look) with thorns (chocolate taste), descreetly hiding its real nature with a clever façade. The world of deception and betrayal. Therefore, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the chocolates I bought were the savior from all those chocolate monsters corroding my mouth. They looked plain but nicer in its bitterness, texture, sweetness, and aftertaste than the ones I tried before. Hmmm.... It seems as though I've turned into a chocolate sommelier. oink oink
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>゜))))彡 <゜)))彡 >゜))))彡 <゜)))彡
職場に着いて、他の職員がこの部屋を戦略する前のちょっぴし休憩。今夜は友達と先週見つけた美味しいイタリア料理のレストランで食べるつもり。 : ) だから、食べても後悔無し!
土曜日に美味しいル・コルドンブルーのバレンタインチョコ ゲット!後回しにしても、売り切れちゃったら面倒だもんね。でも、生まれて初めてチョコレートでうってきたの。あれほどにマズーイチョコレートがバレンタイン用にデパートで売られているのは犯罪です!
う~ん。チョコのソムリエになったのかな?私って。 ブー ブー
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>゜))))彡 <゜)))彡 >゜))))彡 <゜)))彡
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