2nd scene, first draft まだまだ編集がいる描きおろし漫画2

© 2007 waterdroplet
Click the graphic above to enlarge it
Click the graphic above to enlarge it
The motive for drawing this: I simply wanted to draw grassland, a full figure, and barefoot scene. Just random, but those were something I haven't tried before. As a result, the grass looks strange. Must deviate from drawing a stick like figure for it might look anorexic rather than sports type. Also, I wanted a warmer atmosphere than last time's. A little break in a warm spot of sunlight.... That's what I imagined in my mind....
I did this over this last Sat, but I haven't got around to editing it yet. I made mistakes around this front figure's head so the white out turned pretty lumpy... The formal paper for drawing mangas have rulers that are bluish in color (so it won't show up on the photocopy), but those lines show up clearly on scanner.
I wonder if it's better to draw them first in normal paper or those without grids in digital mangas. It took me about half a day to draw up this one. It probably took me just a few hours, but oi.... It was easy to draw but made quite a mess that resulted
in me taking more time to edit those mistakes. First, I used a darker tone for sky. It resulted in a smudged hair, and a huge clump of white out. Similar mistake in the shadow area of the jacket and one boot. Ugh. I used four types of screen tones in this one, mostly recycled from previous stuffs. The shirt uses same tone as the ripple scene of my previous manga post. The boot has the tone I used for shirt last time. The new ones I used are sky and this front figure's pants. I'm broke so it's better this way.
Like the last time, I used similar materials except I just scanned this and edited major mistakes with Photoshop for just a few minutes before posting. Well, I have an excuse of having a hangover while doing this one!
これを描いた動機:ただ 草原、全体の人間像、そして、裸足(何故かって言うと、理由は分からない。)を描きたかった。どれも、初めて描くからなので。 でも、ちょっとスリムな人物書きすぎかな?そうしたら、運動抜群な人よりも、拒食症に見えるかも。。。 これは、前よりも暖かい感じにした。ちょっこっとなひなたごっこ+おさぼり。
これを土曜日に描いたんだけど、編集する時間がもったいなくて全然していない。この前面にある人物の頭の毛のあたりに修正液を使ったため、変に印刷された。漫画の原稿用紙って薄い青色のガイド線があるのだけど(コピー機には写らない色)、スキャナーには丸写し。こんな時には、線の無い原稿用紙を使うべきかな?ちなみに、これにかかった時間は半日。空の色を始めは濃いトーンを使ったため、もっと変になった。そして、左の上着の影の辺りと靴のインクがはみ出すためにそこも汚くなった。描くのは簡単、編集が面倒な結果になった。トーンは四種類使った。半分はもちろん前に使った物のリサイクル。シャツは、前の水のシーンに使った物。靴は、前のシャツと同じのトーン。 新しいのは空とズボンに使った物だけ。お金が足りないから、節約、節約。前と同じ要素で描いたが、ただスキャンして、Photoshopで数分編集しただけ。まぁ、許してよ。二日酔いの時だったからねー。
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