最近の書き下ろし漫画 (^.^)my latest newly drawn manga page
English version /英語版
© 2007 waterdroplet
If you click on one of these images above, it will become bigger. 上の画像をクリックすると大きくなるよ。
I don't think so, but if anyone is crazy enough to use these for their own good, better warn me beforehand...
Yep! It took about three nights using:
felt tip pens (Too. company multi-something ones, mostly 0.05 and 0.1)
black IC tape(since I wasn't bothered to draw borderlines
manga paper sold in Kawachi, Shinsaibashi, Osaka Prefecture, Japan (A4 sized, B5 printing page)
white-out(perfect for hiding a little glitch in drawing)
IC screen and other screen tones (8 in total, bought also in Kawachi)
paper knife (used to shave tones and cut them to the size I want)
scissors (for tones)
tracing paper to protect the original work
scatter brain (the ability to create and concentrate on making absolutely meaningless piece of work)
a free time
Adobe Photoshop CS2 (where I adjusted the "Level" scale so the scanned file looks like the original- got this skill off the translation work)
ComicStudio Pro (where I added two more screen tones and inserted the text)
a few free fonts I got off the web
scanner( scanned the graphic at 600dpi, greyscale)
*The final file was transported from ComicStudio Pro to Adobe Photoshop in 600dpi file, and it was rescaled to 1400pixels in height in the "Save for Web" option in Adobe Photoshop CS2(shrunk the file size from ~10MB (~6000pixels in height) jpeg to good old 400 bytes jpeg file). This way, the graphic was in a pretty good quality despite downsizing a lot.
IC スクリーントーン(これもKAWACHI店で。合計8種類ぐらい使った。)
Adobe Photoshop CS2 (これでスキャンした物を実物と同じに見えるようにする。画像の「レベル」を変えるのと、ゴミをここで取る。この方法は、ボランティア翻訳の用事から教わった。)
ComicStudio Pro (ここで台詞ともう二つのトーンを付け足した。)
スキャナー(600dpi, gray scaleで原稿用紙をスキャン)
*最後のファイルは600dpiのままで、ComicStudio Pro からAdobe Photoshop に転送、"Save for Web"選択で1400pixelsの高さに変換(これで大体、10MBの画像ファイル (高さ、~6000pixels) jpeg からウェッブに向いてる、 400 bytes jpeg 画像ファイルに圧縮できた)。 ちょっとややっこしく聞こえるが、これが高質な画像のままでだいぶファイルを圧縮できた一つの方法だった。
It's just a page, but well, I decided to make this scene after looking at the ripple like screen tone I bought about a week ago. It's so beautiful.... It's perfect for a heart warming scene, or well, this depressing scene of a story I'm making since 2 years ago (I started drawing manga since about 11 months ago so it needs more improvement). It gives a little bit more flare to illustration less piece of writing, wot?
Just a note, but I used three types of hair in this page. 1st part's just plain black, 2nd is made from fine lines, and the third is made from mostly scratching a tone. Just experimenting with it since I haven't done it for a while. The last scene is a bit sloppy, but well, I didn't want to draw too much dead people.... It's quite depressing anyway. I erased some lines with white out, and it came out better than when they were left alone.
The only problem I encountered when making this is that one software crashed last night, only to find out that I didn't save it at all.... damn it!
And you know it! (lol!) What's impressive is that you know that you can still aim higher! To me, I wouldn't know the difference cuz I'm a novice (#.#)
Keep going girl! 漫画家に近づいてるぞ~ ~(*v*)~
Your useless friend がクリスマスプレゼントしたトーナー、使い切ってね。『使いにくい』けど... (^e^)
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