Changed my other blog layout o(*^▽^*)o yay! 他のブログのレイアウトかえました。 o(*^▽^*)oエヘヘ!
I finally realized yesterday that my other blog's layout sucked, so I promptly changed it to this layout. Since my name is "Waterdroplet," I was debating whether to use this template or the one with the sky that resembles my blog address. However, I considered this one as my favorite.
☆^(o≧▽゚)o grin
Anyway, most of my kaomoji (smileys made with words) come from this Japanese site. I consider it very useful.
私の他のブログ のレイアイトがダサい事に昨日やっと気付き、早速これに変えさせていただきました。ペンネームが、Waterdropletだから、これか、ブログのアドレスに因んだ空の絵に迷っていましたけど、このテンプレートの方がお気に入り。
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