Yakitori's the best (Yakitori=Japanese BBQ chicken)~ やきとり最高
I ate yakitori last night. Ooooh. They are so yummmmmmmy! Yakitori is a BBQ chicken or chicken with veg. such as big green onions (I forgot its name), and comes on a stick. It has two flavors, tare (yummy secret soy sauce-based dip that has more soysauce flavor than teriyaki) and salt. The one I went cooked over charcoal, so it's the juicy, smoky chicken flavor that makes your mouth water from just imagining it. Ahhh.... My heaven.... #2 or so on would be this.... (oi... if it was Dante, he'll put me in a gluttony section of hell).
Anyway, they were yummy and filled my tummy! Bad for vegetarians but yay for carnivores!! Got tipsy though from drinking fig based wine (they exist, really). Don't worry. I am of a legal age and rode a bus home.
やきとり昨日食べたヨン!あぁ。。。。旨ーい!やきとりの塩とたれ味、もう最高! あれって、あぁ、思い出すだけで涎がジュルジュルでそう。。。炭火焼きだったから、イチジク ワイン(本当にあるんです。そして、微かにだけどほのやかなイチジクの香りとちゃんとワインの味でした。)で少し酔いながらバスで家に帰った。へへ。でも、飲酒運転はしてませーん。