Wednesday, February 28, 2007

( ̄Д ̄;;

I have good news and a bad news.

Good: I will be off to a hiking trip this weekend. Yay! Off to a southern Japanese island where the anime film, Princess Mononoke, was based upon. Therefore, it's probably pretty good besides its "32 days worth of rain in one month" reputation

bad news: I slept in the wrong way this Sat. This means that I have this constant pain in every joints surrounding neck, head, and shoulders for the last few days. Another problem relating to this is that I live in Japan. Therefore, I have to give a casual greet with a slight bow on streets or at my work place. Unfortunately, I forget each time that I have that condition until after doing it. Therefore, I probably look like a chicken pecking on its feed or an ogre, smiling at the same time grimacing from throbbing pain.


Monday, February 26, 2007

<( ̄口 ̄||)>!!!Oh, NO!!! オーノー!!!<(|| ̄口 ̄)>

It gave me a shock of my life. Never expecting that my month long effort would go all the way down the bottom of stinking drain as the biggest crap in the history of mankind....

Yes. It all began with my brother's visit home. Since he agreed before, and he might be only one in the family who might not ridicule me for my new hobby of drawing manga, I showed him my first chapter.

I waited patiently, expecting a nice response
。('-'。)(。'-')。 excited

The plot: ok
My inner self:O(≧▽≦)O Ya-y♪

However, what I was told next felt like I was being slapped in the face with a half rotten cold fish.

"It's a bunch of gibberish."
( ̄□ ̄;)!!


My life was over. Everything became dark and faded away from my vision....

Or so I felt like saying....

When I looked things over, it was indeed, a complete gibberish. Not a verbal diarrhea but a graphic diarrhea. If the author herself doesn't have clue about the story, then it would indeed be meaningless to readers. I had to but reluctantly agree.

However, even I felt down and grouched in the corner of the room with my imaginary tail curled up between my legs.

Well, at least for thirty seconds.

My train of thought as a bio dork in the course of self recovery:

Crap. Crap. Crap. Huh?

Wait a minute!
Even a crap is important. A real poop is made up of essential organic and inorganic parts that make up life. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Oxygen... etc.... What we excrete gets flushed down as little pieces, goes down the ocean through different paths, ocean life (e.g. fish) eats it, and we slap it down on a plate, hot and steaming, and consume it gleefully with a loud "yum!" call. Therefore, in the end, we eat poop, and it is being taken up as the part of our body. I read recently somewhere (prob. on TIMES magazine) that Australia gov. might use recycled sewage water in the future as the solution of its water shortage problem. However, we all drink recycled water anyway(although it might take a million years through global water cycle) so drinking crap water is not so new. All of us are made up of poops of some creatures of the long past, such as dinosaurs. No matter what our religious beliefs are, we are, organically, made up of poop. Therefore, even my manga being the biggest crap in the history of mankind doesn't mean there is no hope at the bottom of a box.

Yes. Blah blah. Blah.

Then, I decided that if that was the case, I must efficiently use my brother's brain with a wonderful flare for writing essays. I asked him for an advice.

What he suggested was a simple scene, in a typical manga, which I vehemently avoided earlier. It was suspicious at first, for his view point greatly suggested a hint of Studio Ghibli film scenes. I'm not lying to say that he's the ultimate maniac and otaku of those anime films. However,it was a scene so simple that every idiot, including I, would understand.

With that idea on a piece of paper written as the base, I managed to conjure up a chapter within just a matter of five minutes. I added one of the meaningless scene I drew earlier to that, and ta-dah!

I liked it.

It also took me just an hour to sketch up a rough draft, but it will probably take me a month to just to ink those pages since I can't work on them between my job. However, it felt like I went back to kindergarten age and filling those coloring books with black ink.

Since I never really used Japanese when I was abroad, my older brother supposedly had the impression that I was the Stone Age ape when he heard my broken Japanese. Therefore, he commented that he was greatly impressed when he read my manga plot written both in Japanese in English. He said that my Japanese seemed "better" when written. Excuse me, but wouldn't you at least notice my Japanese level previously when reading these blogs? Humph. Well, I must admit that my hand written words are so bad that they look like poops of earthworms. However, it is a totally different story when writing with computer since I can just cheat by writing phonetically and just let the machine do the rest. Easy does it.





内心:O(≧▽≦)O ワーイ♪

( ̄□ ̄;)!!











Friday, February 23, 2007

Yeppy (o ̄∀ ̄)ノ”ぁぃ

I have a certain obsession with tall (M) sized latte when getting it in Japanese Starbucks. Yes, it has to be “tall” latte since the same size in the US is called “short.” To my knowledge, the “short” size latte in Japan doesn’t exist in the US since it’s too small for the US people. Therefore, it feels a bit cheated when getting S sized latte for a person who lived in the US previously.

Nevertheless to say, I feel much better when L sized underwear is labeled as XS in the US.



Thursday, February 22, 2007







rotting my brain O〇o( ゚ ρ ゚ )ボーーーー

Today's caffeine consumption:

1 cup Earl Grey Tea
1 sip of Jasmine Tea

This is my little break (procrastination) from work before I get back to it. Ugh.

I tried out that new Starbucks Seattle Latte sold in Japanese convenience store yesterday. Not bad for a prepacked drink but I prefer the ones sold in the real store.... Ah... the warm cup with fluffy white foams and everything.... (shakes head)

No. I must stop my latte addiction for all! I will be free of any dependence of substance, live free and happily everafter!!!

But, wait....

Let's see.... I have 360 yen in my wallet.

No! Must not be tempted. I am strong willed. I am....


Er... I will quit....

Ahem, perhaps... tomorrow.

Off to a coffee break.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I guess there are days like this.... こんな日もあるんだ....

Once in a while, I could feel the presence of another "me" within myself. It's not that I have a double personality or other psychological problems, but I could feel it within myself.

Sometimes, my chest tighten with emotions and tears start welling out of my eyes even when I am happy. Always, I have no clue as to why it happens at that particular moment.

One day, I was walking through a city all alone. I kept watching raindrops falling from the gray sky above. Then, I heard a voice within my head which said,

"help me."

The voice so tiny that you could almost blow it away with wind like a candle's last flame.

I knew from the moment I first heard it that it was my other self, deep within my heart. However, even when I asked as to what I have to help, it returned to its silent state after repeating the same phrase for a few times.

My sarcastic self(the usual one) would probably say this,
"It's a nuisance to have you make myself in a depressing mode. I have no idea whether it's caused by a temporary hormone imbalance, but just shut up."

Yes, it sounds awful, but if my other self refuses to listen, it wouldn't matter what's being said. In addition, it would be a good topic to write about in the story I'm currently writing. Yep. My usual self seems pretty cold hearted on the surface.

To tell the truth, I'm currently busy with my job, and I also don't have many friends. I have only a few best friends that I could count by fingers. It's because I usually don't trust people so easily as it was from when I was little. I have no complaints about it since it resulted purely out of my own volition. I am happy with how I live. No matter what others say, I want to live my life the way I want it to be.

However, I felt the other self again this morning.

It was crying.

It was crying that it was lonely. It was sad. It was asking for help once more. The selfish me who is never satisfied even when meeting many people. Nevertheless, it's my other self whose heart is moved when it needs to be moved, and when it's happy, even its toes wiggle with true happiness. It's my other self that remains innocent and unchanged even when time itself changes.

My usual self would sigh, and say something meaningless like this,
"Since other people probably have this opposite characters within themselves, it's fun to be a human."

Even if it doesn't make sense and foolish, it's enough to make the other self stop crying and agree that it isn't alone in this damn wide world. Ah, and it would like a piece of chocolate.
















Tuesday, February 20, 2007

hahahaha ヾ(>▽<)o ハハハ

There is a problem at home. The reason is a cat.

Yes, meow.

Since winter's always cold, an orange stray cat decided this year that engine of my car is a perfect sofa to keep its butt from freezing. Even if I bang on the front of the car, it won't come out unless I open the car directly and shoo it away. The only problem is that if I start a car without checking it out first, I will have to pay an expensive car repairing fee in addition to having an unwanted feline meat loaf. Therefore, out comes my dog, the ever "efficient" cat landmine detector with 100% precision and accuracy but with some minor "side effects".

My dog loves riding that car. In addition, he hates cats especially when it's riding his favorite car and he isn't. Ever since he witnessed the same cat occupying that place a month ago, he always takes a sniff before leaving the house for a walk. Front and butt of the car just like he does to other dogs and humans.


However, last night was the worst. He yelped away as in pain and scratched away the front of the car frenziedly as if his life depended on it. I wouldn't like a ground up cat, but I also didn't want my car being scratched away to bits by a dog. Therefore, I opened the front, and ta-dah! The fat feline slid out just like he said.

Before I could utter a single word, the dreaded "side effect" began. My dog went crazy. While it was hilarious to watch him trip and fall when he ran off for a cat, he was making an ass of himself by trying to jump over my neighbor's fence even if his feet couldn't reach even half of its height. Since I couldn't convince him to come back into the house, I left him out there, causing a racket even when the cat was long gone. I thought that he needs to cool his stupid head off but left the front door open.

Since he didn't come back after five minutes, I decided that it was enough. I went out, with my mouth open, preparing myself to shout to him to cut it out. Then, taking one look at the situation, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

With a triumphant look on his face, my dog stared back at me, showing his accomplishment of the day. Forgetting totally about what he was doing a few minutes ago, he was amusing himself by being on top of the car's roof, using the front glass as a slide for kids.










Thursday, February 08, 2007

Huh? o(゚◇゚o)ホエ?

It was 4:30 pm, and I was starving. I didn't have lunch or have drink since 11 am since I was too busy with my work. Therefore, off I went to convenience store, a little supermarket in Japan that you can get most of basic necessities.

I peeked-a-boo into onigiri section (゚.゚*)(*゚.゚) (~130 yen [~$1] balls wrapped with seaweed, and comes with different toppings).
( ̄ ̄;)!! NOOOOO. Good ones were gone.

Sandwiches- only an egg mush was left ( ̄ ̄)
other baked goods- only those with cheap cream stuffings or million preservatives were left

drinks- rows and rows of sweet drinks. I was craving for something salty like a hot soup. But, there were none that I could drink right away. <(""0"")> OMG!!


As a result, I discovered myself buying:
Vitamin drink (lemonade flavor)
sour plum
seaweed with sour plum taste

Even though they might be the ones that old grandmas might buy in Japan and all sour, they were good enough for my ever starving stomach!

Or, so I thought for the first 30 minutes until my stomach became upset due to too much acid....
( ̄Д;;)


オニギリの棚を拝見。 (゚.゚*)(*゚.゚)
( ̄ ̄;)!! まずいのしか残っていなかった。
サンドイッチの棚。ぐちゃぐちゃ卵しか無かった。( ̄ ̄)
他のパン- 安ッぺのクリーム入りか、沢山、保存剤が入っているのしかなかった。
飲み物- 甘ったるい飲み物だらけ。すぐに飲めるあたたかーいスープほしい。無い。無い。無い!!!  <(""0"")> OMG!!




ッと思っていたのは、始めの三十分。ぐっ。酸でお腹の調子悪い。( ̄Д;;)

Muhahaha Ψ( ̄∇ ̄)Ψワッハッハ~♪

Yes.... I corrupted another friend, by giving away this blog address. It would be fun to see his face once he realize the other side of me
that he didn't know about.... Ψ( ̄ ̄)/"

Ψ( ̄ ̄)/" 

Monday, February 05, 2007

YAWN (´。)(´o)(´O)(´〇)(´○) (´〇) (´O)(´o)(´。)あくび

Got to work, did a bit and procrastinating before my coworkers invade this room. Planning to eat out with my friend today at a nice Italian restaurant I discovered last week. : )

Will pig out without a regret. Bought Le Cordon Bleu chocolates for Valentine's Day on Sat, not bothered to buy them at the last minute. For the first time in my life, I got sick from trying out all these samples from different companies. I never imagined that a piece of chocolate can be that gross! Arrrgh!

Why? Well, I hate any chocolate (exception is hot chocolate) that's not dark. Therefore, most samples were dreaded cheap milk chocolates in cake, bar, cream, or any possible form that is like a rose (its look) with thorns (chocolate taste), descreetly hiding its real nature with a clever façade. The world of deception and betrayal. Therefore, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the chocolates I bought were the savior from all those chocolate monsters corroding my mouth. They looked plain but nicer in its bitterness, texture, sweetness, and aftertaste than the ones I tried before. Hmmm.... It seems as though I've turned into a chocolate sommelier. oink oink

 .。o○      .。o○      .。o○      .。o○
>゜))))彡    <゜)))彡     >゜))))彡    <゜)))

職場に着いて、他の職員がこの部屋を戦略する前のちょっぴし休憩。今夜は友達と先週見つけた美味しいタリ料理のレストランで食べるつもり。 : ) だから、食べても後悔無し!
土曜日に美味しいル・コルドンブルーのバレンタインチョコ ゲット!後回しにしても、売り切れちゃったら面倒だもんね。でも、生まれて初めてチョコレートでうってきたの。あれほどにマズーイチョコレートがバレンタイン用にデパートで売られているのは犯罪です!

う~ん。チョコのソムリエになったのかな?私って。 ブー ブー

 .。o○      .。o○      .。o○      .。o○
>゜))))彡    <゜)))彡     >゜))))彡    <゜)))

Thursday, February 01, 2007

失敗も成功の元 (* ̄∇ ̄*) Failure breeds Success









 (|||  ̄ おぇ  


Japanese radish and pork.
They both have bad connotations to them in Japan a while ago, especially if you are referring to someone's bodyshape (well, it might be true still). If you have a fat leg, you called it "daikon ashi,"and someone who's fat is well, a pig. Anyway, put that aside and allow me to show you the ultimate new menu I tried out recently:

Shirayuki nabe (i.e. White snow hot pot) (the failure version but what I liked)

Japanese Radish
thinly sliced pork
lettuce (one of those tasteless light green ones and not as tough as Romaine)

1. With a graceful movement, chop a whole Japanese radish to a few pieces. Then, grind it down vigorously as if it is your very life line (of course, while watching TV). Dump the grinded white muck to an empty pot.
2. When the liquid from radish is about to boil, throw in lettuce and pork. However, pork should be cooked in Japanese shabu shabu way, shake one piece of meat in a hot radish until it's cooked and you are sure that all those funny little creatures are dead and gone.
3. Wrap the pork with lettuce and dip it into ponzu before consuming at your own risk.

The juicy pork flavor and slightly sweet radish went well with sticky rice. However, I found out soon after that real version of this hot pot was actually totally different. Therefore,

Shirayuki nabe v. 2
To above ingredients, add sake until Japanese radish is drowning and chopped ginger (1 lump).

It was.... indescribably dreadful experience....

The pork flavor was gone due to ginger. In addition, since I don't like sake, its taste was equivalent to barf.

( ||| ̄ vomit
It seems as though some of my family members liked it better, but their taste buds were probably drunk from sake.

According to one site, the real version of shirayuki nabe required only 400ml sake and other various ingredients. I guess trying to recreate the very flavor that one tated at restaurant has proved to be difficult. Anyway, I liked the first version much better than the latter.


I re-read the comment that one of my friend left behind two days ago. She asked me what the climax to my future story is going to be. Well, well. It won't be fun and fair if she knows ahead

: p

Or, that's what I want to say. The truth is, I have no idea.

Muhahaha! Ignorance is a bliss, no?


: p