Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yakitori's the best (Yakitori=Japanese BBQ chicken)~ やきとり最高

I ate yakitori last night. Ooooh. They are so yummmmmmmy! Yakitori is a BBQ chicken or chicken with veg. such as big green onions (I forgot its name), and comes on a stick. It has two flavors, tare (yummy secret soy sauce-based dip that has more soysauce flavor than teriyaki) and salt. The one I went cooked over charcoal, so it's the juicy, smoky chicken flavor that makes your mouth water from just imagining it. Ahhh.... My heaven.... #2 or so on would be this.... (oi... if it was Dante, he'll put me in a gluttony section of hell).
Anyway, they were yummy and filled my tummy! Bad for vegetarians but yay for carnivores!! Got tipsy though from drinking fig based wine (they exist, really). Don't worry. I am of a legal age and rode a bus home.

やきとり昨日食べたヨン!あぁ。。。。旨ーい!やきとりの塩とたれ味、もう最高! あれって、あぁ、思い出すだけで涎がジュルジュルでそう。。。炭火焼きだったから、イチジク ワイン(本当にあるんです。そして、微かにだけどほのやかなイチジクの香りとちゃんとワインの味でした。)で少し酔いながらバスで家に帰った。へへ。でも、飲酒運転はしてませーん。

Monday, September 25, 2006

So tired.... brain dead ( ̄◇ ̄)ポケー つかれた。。。 脳みそ死んだ状態。。。

I was busy with my work since 10 o'clock this morning. I am still alive due to my 2 o'clock lunch of instant harusame (Maru-chan's seafood flavor is good). Ever since I started working this June, it seems as though my favorite meal time has reduced to just 5 minutes or close to nil. Ahhhhhh! It's currently, 5:39pm. I will work with my boss for three more hours, but oi!!!
( ̄□ ̄;)!!
I was planning to go home early and take a little excursion to a book store.... Fine... I will just do it tomorrow.

( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Horrors of horrors 災厄の恐ろしい体験(チョッピし言い過ぎ?)

I live on a mountain. It may sound abrupt, but I really am living on countryside of Japanese suburb. Which means, that just a few blocks away would be the typical farm landscape scene in books and what not. I was walking my dog (beagle) yesterday when I found chestnuts. After struggling a bit (never hunt for chestnuts with a flip flop), I managed to harvest some and turned around to go home. Then, the dog decided that he would love to do a sand bath in a pile of black object. It turned out to be a heap of dried up manure. The dog was happy. Humans weren't. ∑( ̄皿 ̄;; )

私は山に住んでいる。そして、川に行って洗濯しに行く。。。何て、言ったらばあさんくさくて、言いすぎかもしれないけれど、私は日本の田舎に近い郊外に住んでいるのは確かである。という事は、少し歩いただけで、本にも出てくるような田舎の風景等が見えてくる。昨日、私の犬(ビーグル)を散歩していた所、なっ、なんと、美味しそうな栗ーーーーーを発見!ちょっと困難な目にあいながらも(良い子の皆さん!ビーチサンダルで栗狩りはやめとこう!)、収穫は満足当然!そして、家にちょこっら帰ることにした。そこまではいい。本当にいい。でも、犬が畑に積み上げていた黒い物体の山に砂浴びみたいに背中を仕切りに擦り付けるではないか。よくよく見ると、それは。。。。乾燥したの山だった!!!犬は喜び、人間はそれから逃げ回る。まぁ、想像できるであろう。 ∑( ̄皿 ̄;; )

Friday, September 22, 2006

Manga I have in my bookshelf

Tegamibachi (heart moving- cute)
RAVE (similar to One Piece, just another lol manga, but I like this art better than other one)
Amatsuki (Well mixture of SF and Edo period stuff)
Dear (so cute...)
07 Ghost (It's speed, angles, and framing is good. Perhaps too much male characters)
Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (ツバサ RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE ) (action scene, angles and so on's good)
Hyakumantsubu no Namida (heart breaking plot, great drawings)
xxxHOLiC (well, that's what I'm planning to get today)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Finally.... やっと。。。

I finally managed to transfer all my blogs from my previous blogs. Yeek. It seems as though this blog website doesn't work so well when you want to change your blog address in the middle. Totally messed up my day.
